Sunday, March 3, 2019

Michael Waterman was a serial rapist.  He was also the son of the university president and very rich.  For the past two years, he had been taking what he wanted from girls on campus even if they didn’t want to give it to him.  The university had become very adept at  covering for him on the rare occasions when one of the girls had the nerve to tell someone.  When white slavery was instituted, however, one of the girls he had raped decided to come forward.  Once that happened, there was a snowball effect.  When it was all said and done, nine women had come forward.  The judge, a very stern black woman decided to make an example of him.  She ordered that after his enslavement, he be remanded to the New Jack City Slave Veterinary Clinic for the complete removal of his genitals.  Once healed, he was put up for sale at the municipal auction where he was sold to a brothel that specializes in altered male slaves.

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