Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jake and Hakeem had been best friends since high school, so when Jake learned that he would need to find an African American sponsor, it was a no-brainer that it would be Hakeem.  When Jake was arrested for mouthing off to a Cracker Control officer, of course it was Hakeem to the rescue.  He couldn’t stop his friend from being enslaved, but, as his sponsor, he COULD buy him directly from the court. Jake thought that he would be home free.  Surely his best friend wouldn’t treat him any differently because he was now “technically” a slave.  To his horror, however, Hakeem had a completely different scenario in mind.  Jake would be treated EXACTLY like the slave that is.  He would be trained harshly and used liberally. Now, Jake and Hakeem are no longer friends.  Jake is Hakeem’s fully owned property, and he is used as such.

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