Thursday, February 28, 2019

My houseboy is good for much more than just keeping the place clean.
Rick has only been a slave for three months, but he has already completed his deep-throat training.
Ahmad fucks the slave with abandon, knowing that the salesman expects nothing less.  Ahmad is a frequent buyer at the Johnson Family Slave Dealership and they know that he will pay top dollar if the slave performs well during this initial test fucking.
As slaves become more commonplace,  and the prices come down, owners are coming up with new and interesting ways of using their property.
Two honky slaves are always better than one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The shock collar turned this uppity cracker into the perfect honky slave.
Even though Patrick still hates to be used for sex by his owner, he knows that he has no say in the matter.  
As slaves become more commonplace,  and the prices come down, owners are coming up with new and interesting ways of using their property.
Since the introduction of white slavery, even free whites have been reduced to second class citizens.
At the James Obeah New Slave Training Center, a group of new properties are put through their paces.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Mark used to consider himself to be somewhat of a tough guy.  Well now, after being enslaved for starting a bar fight, he is nothing more that a collection of holes for his master to stick his dick in.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Whenever I buy a new slave, I always keep it shackled in this way.  A few trips around my property, being pulled like this behind my four-wheeler, will go a long way to breaking a new slave.

One of the main reasons for buying your own slave is that you can fuck him as roughly as you want.
Bear has quickly learned that his rightful place is where ever his owner wants him.
Marquise considers following the vet’s advice and having his honky, Rex, fixed.
I get no actual pleasure from making my slave lick my boots, but it is a great training tool.  Once a honky licks a Black Man's boots, he knows that his life will never be the same.
Stupid honky thinks that he can hide out in his owner's overgrown cornfield.  The boy doesn't know that at the time of his enslavement, he was injected with a gps microchip.  His owner always knows exactly where he is.
K.C. sits back and enjoys a blowjob from his slave.  He is very happy that he went ahead and spent the money to send the boy for specialized training.  It was he best money he ever spent. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Photoshoot for the ad campaign for the SFL(Slave Football League) kick off.  The SFL is said to be better than it's predecessor because there are fewer rules, and betting is encouraged.  But the real reason for it's popularity it the fact that all of the players and coaches are slaves, and therefore mostly naked.
The rich owner of these highly desirable slaves has had them brought from different parts of the estate to his swimming pool and had them put on a “display”.  Afterwards the slaves will be used to provide extremely personal “amusement” to the owner and his guests.
Pete Brown
Kirby has learned that even though it still hurts like hell, he has mo choice but to offer his ass up to his owner whenever he wants wants it.
I just bought a new slave to use as my personal valet.  I think he is gonna work out fine.
if you fuck a honky slave hard, he is less likely to forget his place.  He needs to be reminded that he is no longer a man, but an object to be used for his owner’s pleasure.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bobo is a smart slave.  He knows that this is his owner’s favorite position so without being told, he spent the last two months doing stretching exercises.  The pleased look on his master’s face is all the reward he will get.

Ever since they were boys, the Jackson brothers have always shared their toys.
Mikey fingers his asshole to get it ready for his owner.
Chris has learned the hard way that his owner can treat him however he wants.

Jabari enjoys using his favorite slave.
Even though Miles is still scared, he has learned to trust that his owner won’t ACTUALLY choke him to death.  Of course there is absolutely nothing he can do about it if he did.
White slave helping his master to relax after a hard day at work

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

When slavery was first reinstituted, cunting was reserved for only the vilest of criminals.  Especially rapists and murders.  Nowadays, though, cunting has become a very popular fashion among rich young slave owners.

Paco, here was enslaved for overstaying work visa.  He was bought from the municipal auction by a purchasing agent from a large firm that specializes in high end slave properties.  After a few months of intense training, Paco(his born name had been Luis), was purchased by a young black man who had expressed an interest in owning a cunted slave.  Upon purchase, Paco was sent immediately into surgery.

A Man and his favorite pet
Omar is having a bit of fun with two of the field slaves from the Honky Ranch where he is an overseer.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ahmad fucks the slave with abandon, knowing that the salesman expects nothing less.  Ahmad is a frequent buyer at the Johnson Family Slave Dealership and they know that he will pay top dollar if the slave performs well during this initial test fucking.
Matthew clutches the cushion under him.  He hopes that the assault on his asshole will be over soon.  His owner has the biggest dick he has ever seen and he uses it like a jackhammer.  Matt has been a slave for a few years now so he knows that there is absolutely nothing else he can do, other than to squeeze his asshole as tight as he can, thereby heightening his owner’s pleasure in the hopes that the Man will cum sooner rather than later.  Unfortunately, he already came down the boy’s throat once in preparation for this fuck, so the owner is not likely to cum anytime soon. Looks like Matt is in for a long night.  
Rick has only been a slave for three months, but he has already completed his deep-throat training.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

DaShawn uses one of the slaves that his gym provides for their members’ entertainment and comfort.
Jake and Hakeem had been best friends since high school, so when Jake learned that he would need to find an African American sponsor, it was a no-brainer that it would be Hakeem.  When Jake was arrested for mouthing off to a Cracker Control officer, of course it was Hakeem to the rescue.  He couldn’t stop his friend from being enslaved, but, as his sponsor, he COULD buy him directly from the court. Jake thought that he would be home free.  Surely his best friend wouldn’t treat him any differently because he was now “technically” a slave.  To his horror, however, Hakeem had a completely different scenario in mind.  Jake would be treated EXACTLY like the slave that is.  He would be trained harshly and used liberally. Now, Jake and Hakeem are no longer friends.  Jake is Hakeem’s fully owned property, and he is used as such.
Jamal always gets appreciative looks when he takes his honky slave with him on errands.
A week ago Mac Johnson was a free man. That was until he made the decision to get drunk at his local bar, then try to ride his motorcycle home.  There was an accident and he is lucky to be alive.  Alive, but no longer a free man.  He walked away from the accident and right into the arms of a Cracker Control officer.  After a breathalyzer test where he was proven to be several points above the legal limit, Mac was taken to CC headquarters where within a few hours he had received his third DWI conviction and was sentenced to slavery.  After receiving some very rudimentary training, he was put up for sale in this morning’s municipal auction. Mac was bought for a shockingly low price by the man who is, at this very moment, about to shove a huge dick into his asshole.  Mac is terrified, but he knows that if he is going to have any type of life at all as a slave, he has to make this man happy and keep him that way. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Jeremy Bortus
 age 23

Since this was his third offense, Jeremy was enslaved but before he could be put up for auction, his sponsor declared his intention to use his right of first purchase.  Since he had worked for his sponsor as a mechanic in his shop, Jeremy would continue in his post there, but this time as a naked slave.

It may seem strange that these slaves are not practicing on a normal pitch for this week’s game, but their trainer considers that knocking the ball around on rough, hilly terrain teaches them better ball control. And of course their general level of fitness is improved from running on a hillside.
Young men like this are valuable assets, and so when not on the smooth surface of a proper pitch they are always made to wear training shoes to prevent damage to their feet.  The actual matches are always played totally naked of course (the teams being distinguished by their owners’ logos sprayed on chests and backs), and whilst many think this does not make for a “classical” game as it’s too painful to kick the ball hard, the local soccer federation’s rules require it. 
Pete Brown
Off to work on his owner’s estate.  Note the simple collar, and how his pubes have been trimmed and clipped almost to nothing to emphasize his status.
Pete Brown

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

When my gym bought a group of white slaves for use by it’s members, it raised the dues by 15%.  At first I was pissed off and considered changing gyms.  Then one day as I was doing my pre-workout stretch on the mat, this honky slave walked by me and asked how he could be of service.  As he said this, he turned and pointed his ass at me.  It was all I could take.  The next thing I knew, I had that slave face down on the mat and I was fucking him and making him scream. It was simply the best fuck I had ever had. That was the last time I complained about the extra fees.