Thursday, August 8, 2019

A week ago Mac Johnson was a free man. That was until he made the decision to get drunk at his local bar, then try to ride his motorcycle home.  There was an accident and he is lucky to be alive.  Alive, but no longer a free man.  He walked away from the accident and right into the arms of a Cracker Control officer.  After a breathalyzer test where he was proven to be several points above the legal limit, Mac was taken taken to CC headquarters where within a few hours he had received his third DWI conviction and was sentenced to slavery.  After receiving some very rudimentary training, he was put up for sale in this morning’s municipal auction. Mac was bought for a shockingly low price by the man who is, at this very moment, about to shove a huge dick into his asshole.  Mac is terrified, but he knows that if he is going to have any type of life at all as a slave, he has to make this man happy and keep him that way.

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