Thursday, August 15, 2019

I keep my house slave, Kit, locked in chastity at all times whenever I am not using him.  The device is a tool to help keep the slave focused on his service to me.
Rex, who I have owned for several years, prepares Dingo, who I just bought.

Jamil and Jamal are brothers and roommates.  Several months ago they pooled their money and bought a slave to serve as their houseboy.  Turned out the boy had uses outside the kitchen as well.
All free whites have been reclassified as "Potential Property."  The general consensus is that all whites will eventually be enslaved.  It is a forgone conclusion.  With this new classification, it is now possible to assess a free white to determine value.
Rolf is my personal pain slave.  It took me years to find him, but now that I have, I am going to use him to the fullest.  You see, I am what you might call a “closet sadist”.  Most of the time, I am just a normal guy.  I like normal sex.  Usually with one of my 5 domestic slaves.  But every now and then, I get the urge to cause pain.  Real Pain.  EXTREME Pain.  Rolf, my special honky slave.  My special boy.  Rolf can take whatever I give and ask for more.  My special honky.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Brandon Connell (26) - public intoxication; disorderly conduct; resisting arrest

These were strikes one, two, and three all in one.  Brandon was enslaved under the three strikes rule and sold to a premium slave dealership the very next day.  They must have seen potential in him.
McFarin and Williams Premium Slave Dealers prides itself on catering to all kinds of potential owners, no matter how small the niche.  One such small(but growing), niche is owners who want cunted slaves.  McFarin and Williams employs some of the best plastic surgeons in the state therefore, they can easily transform any slave into whatever the buyer wants.  In addition to cunting, simple castration and full nullifications are also available.  All procedures are guranteed to be scarless.  Satisfaction Guaranteed. 
I bought my slave, Rocco, because I love the cocky look on his face. He is very obedient and pliable, but that look never fades, even when I fuck him so hard that his asshole bleeds.
It’s always more fun and relaxing when I take my personal slave Along on boating trips.
TayShawm enjoys the ministrations of his favorite slave.
These days, slaves work naked in just about any job.  Depending on the job, they are given minimal safety gear.  Owners save money this way as they don’t have to pay to clothe the save and of, course, there are no laundry bills.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

"yeah," Jamal thought to himself, "I'm gon' have to send this honky to get some deep-throat training.  I paid too much money for him to get a bad blowjob."
A week ago Mac Johnson was a free man. That was until he made the decision to get drunk at his local bar, then try to ride his motorcycle home.  There was an accident and he is lucky to be alive.  Alive, but no longer a free man.  He walked away from the accident and right into the arms of a Cracker Control officer.  After a breathalyzer test where he was proven to be several points above the legal limit, Mac was taken taken to CC headquarters where within a few hours he had received his third DWI conviction and was sentenced to slavery.  After receiving some very rudimentary training, he was put up for sale in this morning’s municipal auction. Mac was bought for a shockingly low price by the man who is, at this very moment, about to shove a huge dick into his asshole.  Mac is terrified, but he knows that if he is going to have any type of life at all as a slave, he has to make this man happy and keep him that way.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Aaron Dewayne Gxxxxx (DOB 09/20/1994) registered as a convicted felon in Manatee County, FL on 07/28/2018.  His felony convictions are for credit card fraud, fraudulent use of a personal ID, trafficking in stolen property, and giving false information to a pawnbroker.  This is his third conviction, so under the law Aaron will be automatically enslaved and sold to the highest bidder at the next municipal slave auction.  There is no appeal for a enslavement case.
A month ago the overseer told this slave to “assume the position” on top of the tractor.  He refused.  He was under the mistaken impression that field slaves were never called upon to provide sexual service.  After his brazen refusal, the overseer beat him with the cane until he couldn’t walk, and THEN had the rest of the 100 slave field force fuck him till he lost consciousness.  Today, the overseer gave the same command again and was pleased to see the slave’s response(pictured here). 
The owner of this fine young Labrador knows that he cannot give it the attention it deserves as he is constantly working, supervising his vast plantation and the trade in produce it generates.  He’s therefore taken the decision to take one of the young slaves he owns and designate it as the pup’s playmate and trainer.  So from his office window he can keep an eye on progress and ensure the pup is happy.
New product from Slave Innovations Inc.  The Mannequin is our newest offering for the discerning slave owner.  The Mannequin is a live, fully functioning slave that has been immobilized using our patented Manniquinizer Formula.  The slave will hold any pose you put it in, but it is incapable of independent movement. The slave, through implants in it’s neck and lower back can be stored or displayed in this heavy duty frame.  Maintenance is easy, just administer a simple injection of our “neutralizer” which counteracts the Mannequinizer formula for a period of about two hours.  During this time, the slave is able to feed, evacuate, and clean itself.  When the period is up, the neutralizer will wear off and the slave will return to it’s immobilized state.
…just one of the many slaves you can find on display in any up-market slave dealer who specialises in young, handsome, fit men. Note how the salve is in a featureless neutral-coloured pen so that its white skin is shown to good advantage.
  Even if you have no firm intention of buying it can be amusing to have the dealer bring it to a viewing room and have it perform some gymnastics, and/or masturbate for you.
The campground provides slaves for its guests comfort and pleasure.
Kareem always has the best honky slaves at his pool parties

HonkyNation Slave Dealers just put out their new online catalog. Here is a sample entry.
The new slave processing center is finally up and running.
Sometimes I like to just sit back in my lawn chair and watch my yard slaves work.
Modern Slave Owner Magazine, always a trendsetter in the care and keep of slaves, has come up with a new line of slave fashion.  
Liam buried his head in his arms.  How the hell had he gotten himself into this situation.  He had been here on a student/work visa.  He’d left his home in Ireland to go to college here in the U.S.  He’s enjoyed his time here so much that when his visa expired, he decided to stay.  He wasn't worried about having an expired visa.  Hell, the immigration laws were written for the Mexicans, right?  Well, he learned the hard way that the laws applied to him as well. After a surprise visit from I.C.E. Liam was quickly arrested, enslaved and sold at auction.
Comet’s owner decided to have him pup trained.  At first the slave was perplexed by this, but he soon realized that pup training meant that his new owner intended to treat him like a pet, rather than put him out to work hard in the fields with the other slaves.  Now, Comet wears his puptail buttplug proudly for his owner’s pleasure.
Max is a fairly new slave, but he is eager to learn to please.  One of the first things he will learn is not to use his hands while giving head to his owner.

Monday, August 5, 2019

 Mark fucks the shit out of the slave.  This, however just a slave that he is test-driving for his dealership to see if he is ready for sale.  Mark Freeman owns the Freeman Premium Slave Dealership which specializes in sex slaves.  Mark considers it a point of pride that he personally fucks each and every slave to test it’s worthiness to be sold as a Freeman Slave.
Gregory Pinson poses for the catalog photo.  He has been at the Sojourner Truth Slave Training Center for 6 months now.  He knows that if he is not sold soon, the owners may decide to cut their losses and sell him off for medical research. A horrible fate for any slave.  So Greg smiles for the camera and tries to make himself look as attractive as possible.  Hopefully someone will buy him soon.
Many owners send new slaves to one of the specialist training camps to get their property “up to speed” on their new life.  Here we see one of the training sessions where young slaves are learning - quickly - to lose their inhibitions.  They may have seen other men naked in the locker room, but here they will quickly learn to be totally at ease with the touch and feel of another body against theirs, and to lose all their inhibitions about engaging in sex.  Many owners find it’s preferable to pay for such a short course of training as the slaves are returned to them ready for “play”, rather than having to beat a so-called “straight” slave into submission.
Slave fashion , for when a naked slave just seems too common and ordinary.
Gary is working on painting his owners Barn. No real need for safety gear
Slave rowing team.
This slave is waiting for the arrival of the train.  He is in no hurry, he knows that, while most trains have a slave car, some do not.  If this one does not, then he will just have to wait for the next one.
These days, slaves work naked in just about any job.  Depending on the job, they are given minimal safety gear.  Owners save money this way as they don’t have to pay to clothe the save and of, course, there are no laundry bills.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Since the introduction of white slavery, slave brothels have become big business. The Happy Honky Slave Brothel is the first of it’s kind to have at least one house in every state.  They take pride in providing slave whores for every taste.  This is a photoset from their online catalog.
The Marcus Family Slave Dealership has decided to move it’s catalog online.  This is one of the entries in that catalog.  The Owners have decided to make the entries more “casual” so that potential buyers can see the merchandise in a more natural setting.
These days, slaves work naked in just about any job.  Depending on the job, they are given minimal safety gear.  Owners save money this way as they don’t have to pay to clothe the slave and, of course, there are no laundry bills.

Chris Henderson was arrested for suspected gang activity. This being his third time, he will undoubtedly be enslaved.
Once, Michael Bradbury was a very straight  womanizer who spent all his extra time and his daddy’s money schmoozing and getting women into bed.  When one of those women got pregnant and sued him for child support, Mike’s daddy chose to teach him a lesson by cutting him off.  Of course, this resulted in Michael’s enslavement.  Now, Michael is a pretty smart guy, he recognized immediately that if he wanted to have any kind of life as a slave, he would need to be a damn good one.  Here we see him doing his best to show his devotion to his owner.  He knows that very soon, the very same dick that he caresses so lovingly will be viciously tearing into his asshole.  It terrifies him, but he will moan and beg just like he knows that Man wants.
Ray loves to choke his slave. Sometimes he will choke the boy out just for fun even when he is not using him for sex
Master's new pet