Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I had never given any thought to buying a cunted slave.  It just seemed too weird.  That was until I was in Beijing on business a few months ago.  I decided let a friend talk me into visiting one of the slave brothels that the city is now famous for.  There they had this cunted boy.  It was the best sex I’d ever had.  So good, in fact, that I made the brothel owner an offer that he couldn’t refuse.  I flew home with this beautiful slave safely caged away in the belly of my private jet.
Once a month, The Happy Honky Slave Brothel throws a big party for it’s most loyal patrons.  In the summer, it’s a pool party like this one.  Here, you see some of the Brothel’s most popular slaves lined up and presented as gifts to the honored guests.
Nothing like a good blow job after a hard day at work.
The traditional Honky Run before the start of the football game.
Red looks up into his owner’s face. The intensity that he sees there would scare him if he hadn’t already grown used to it. Red knows that no matter what his life was before that this man owns him completely.