Thursday, July 25, 2019

Herbert Van Winkle was always a pretty smart guy except for the one time he decided to skip his reparations payment. Now we see him app for sale in the Municipal Court slave auction website catalog. The slave is very skinny. But he is Young so he may still bring a decent price.
Sometimes having your slave naked all the time gets boring.

Rick hates everything about being a slave, but he is well-trained enough not to let it show.
Jamie loves to make his owner happy.
The Annual Reparations Day Festival and Parade celebrate the beauty and power Mother Africa.  This is a scene from the BIG parade in Washington D.C.
Wayne, age 25, arrested for Narcotic drug possession for sale

This is his second offense. He will be enslaved and sold in the next municipal auction
The overseer watches the team of municipal slaves as they get the garbage together ready for the collection truck. 
My gym just bought a new shower slave.  Looks like I need to start working out again.

The slave has learned to simply let itself go, and completely give itself to it’s owner.
Chris works hard to maintain his status as his owner’s favorite sex toy.
I bought Rick, here, to help me out in my workshop where I build custom furniture.  Turns out, before he ended up in the trade show auction, he was owned by a brothel downtown and was used as a slave whore till he got too old.  Now I am the only one who get’s to fuck him on a regular basis.  I am fine with that. As you can see, the boy is good with a table saw. 

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jesse Cartman sits in a cage waiting for his turn on the auction block.
A group of slave boxers getting a pep talk before a big show.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Until they have properly accepted their new status as owned property, slaves are not allowed to mingle with the others in the slave barn overnight in case they should attempt to escape. Instead they are chained up in one of the secure cells.
The owner of this young slave is kind, though, as we can see.  He’s allowed the slave a blanket to lie on, rather than having the slave spend the night on the bare, cold cement. 
courtesy of Pete Brown
In today’s society, there are certain indignities that free whites have to go through if they want to maintain their free status. Joey and Mike try to keep pleasant looks on their faces as they submit to the random strip search.  They know that if the CC officer conducting the search gets offended in any way, he could arrest them and have them enslaved for noncompliance. 
Shane used to be very proud of his dick. It stood a full eight and a half inches when it was erect, and to him it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Unfortunately for him, his preoccupation with his dick caused trouble for him with his new owner after he was enslaved. He just couldn’t keep his hands off of his dick. In frustration, his owner sent him to the surgical vet and the problem was solved.
I bought this spicy little thing while in Peru on business.
Suddenly, Toby realized that there was no place to run away to.
My prized possession.  I bought him from a business associate in Greece.
Rick has an easy life for a slave.  All he has to do is keep his body fit, the pool clean, and his asshole tight and ready for use at a moment's notice.
Some people are upset that Emily works for a slave veterinarian.  They say that she is helping to enslave her own people. Emily, however, says that slaves are slaves because they committed crimes. Plus, this is the best way for her to use her nursing degree.
I enjoy watching my slave clean. Especially when he gets on his knees to scrub baseboards
I want to keep my slave’s mind stimulated, so I allow him to have a little radio in his sleeping Quarters at night.
Mark used to consider himself to be somewhat of a tough guy.  Well now, after being enslaved for starting a bar fight, he knows that he is no more than a collection of holes for his master to use.
My house slaves take it upon themselves to to make sure that they are clean and ready to please me at all times.  They know from experience, that a failure to do so will result in punishment.
Because he is not African American, Hassan is not legally allowed to own slaves. There is, however, no law that prevents him from renting them if he can afford it.  Hassan, can well afford it.  In fact, he pays extra to rent this premium property from one of the premier slave rental outlets in the city.

Monday, July 8, 2019

My favorite pet.
Matthew Fussell (18) - felony breaking and entering of a motor vehicle; larceny of a firearm; possession of stolen firearm.  After his speedy trial, Matthew was sentenced to immediate enslavement.  Standing naked among spirited bidding, the boy, now in tears was sold to elderly woman who wanted to buy a graduation gift for her grandson.
Even though, non-black citizens cannot legally own slaves, they are able to rent a slave to use.
When I decided to buy the nightclub, I wanted to make it different than most people are used to seeing. So when I read in the paper that a popular hip hop DJ was going up for sale at auction, I had to have it for my club. Now he is more popular than ever and so is my club.
Tommy was sold into slavery by his parents as soon as he turned 18.  They wanted to travel the world and the $350,000 they got for him would be enough to just that.  This sounds harsh, but don’t feel bad for Tommy, he brought this on himself.  Around the age of 12, he started making his parents’ lives a living hell.  Cussing out his mom, fighting his dad, he was a terror.  So, before Cracker Control could get ahold of him and he was enslaved with no benefit to them, they decided to be proactive.  They endured his abuse and everything else until his eighteenth birthday.  Then they declared “Happy Birthday to US!”  Tommy was sold to a brothel two states over.  They would never have to see him again.  Their next stop…PARIS!!!
Ace is always amazed at the new positions his owner comes up with to fuck him in. There is never a dull moment.
At the Horny Honky Truckstop and Carwash, our slaves will happily polish much more then you’re chrome .
A well-trained slave knows how to take a good hard fuck.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

These two stupid honkies thought that they could hide out in the woods and not pay their reparations. Here we see them minutes after being hunted down by bounty hunters. They will be enslaved and up for sale at the municipal auction before the end of the week
As the use of slaves becomes more commonplace,  and the prices come down, owners are coming up with new and interesting ways of using their property.
When the house painter said that he was sending over a crew to get started immediately, I didn’t know that he was talking about slaves. What a pleasant surprise!
Gary is more than a little bit apprehensive. This is not his first time on The Auction Block.  He knows that it will chance his life in any one of a thousand ways.  His best hope is that the bidding goes really high.  He knows from experience that the more a buyer pays for a slave, the more likely he is to take good care of him.
Rather than have my bed slave butt naked all the time, I prefer that he has on at least a little bit of clothing.
I hired a professional artist to come in and paint a few of my best-looking slaves for the Painted Honky Festival. I plan on winning this year.
Who needs to spend money at some sleazy slave brothel when I have over 200 slaves out in the field that I can choose from to use for my pleasure On Any Given evening?
When slavery was first reinstituted, cunting was reserved for only the vilest of criminals.  Especially rapists and murders.  Nowadays, though, cunting has become a very popular fashion among rich young slave owners.