Thursday, April 18, 2019

A trustworthy slave.
This well-trained slave knows its not allowed to sit on the furniture or to watch television.
Even when it’s Master is absent, the slave abides by its Master’s commands and sits on the floor with its back to the blank tv screen.
It’s necessary to rigidly train your slave to obey the house rules you, as the Master, have put in place.
The Men of Alpha Alpha Nu Fraternity Inc.  Were the first frat on campus to own it's own house slave.

Snapshots from the Reparations Rodeo.  The Rodeo is a very popular part of the  Annual Reparations Day Festival.
This slave is busy cleaning out his owner’s barn.  He has no clue what the Master wants to do with the barn, but that is none of his business, his job is to be obedient..after all, he is only a slave. 

We can see here how one of the many companies providing slave punishment services operate. 
The slave is securely tied down so that it cannot thrash around, and the operative can therefore use all his skill to ensure the punishment cane lands in exactly the right spot to cause maximum pain but minimum damage to what is an expensive "Class A" slave..
Seeing the close-up of the slave’s face can leave us in no doubt that it is however being well and truly punished. It will think twice before it fails to perform properly to it owner’s complete satisfaction in future.
courtesy of Pete Brown
Display Punishments such as this one serve two purposes.  First of all, the slave being punished is unlikely to offend his owner again, and second, any slave witnessing this display will think twice about committing such an offense. 
These days, slaves work naked in just about any job.  Depending on the job, they are given minimal safety gear.  Owners save money this way as they don’t have to pay to clothe the slave and, of course, there are no laundry bills.
Here at Exclusive Pleasure Slaves, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide the best trained sex slaves in the industry.  Chip, here, is one of out latest acquisitions.
Their owner is determined to win prizes atthe next County Show, so has ordered special running training for those slaves he intends to inter in to the 10K race.  Making them runb along the beach is an excellent workout, as running on damp sand is so much harder than running on a smooth surface.
He’s a little concerned that other owners might accuse him of “ungentlemanly conduct” as the slave out in front on this training is clearly a new one, still having a pale, free-man’s body not yet tanned by the sun  They might say he bought the slave only because he was already a champion runner!
courtesy of Pete Brown
My slave, Jackson, is a decent housekeeper.  But that ass of his is a first class dick-warmer.
I was visiting some friends in Memphis and they decided to take me with them to their local municipal slave auction.  I already have two slaves in my house, so i wasn't n the market for another, but when I saw the ass on this one, I just couldn't help myself.
Now THAT'S how a Master uses his honky!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Although whites are not permitted to serve as Cracker Control officers, a lucky few are allowed to serve as "mascots" for the all black police force.

Jax has learned to love the taste of his owners dick. It was not always this way, though. Jax used to hate being a slave, especially to a black man. Growing up he was always taught that he was better than the blacks. Now that teaching has been wiped completely from his head.

Look how artfully this dealer is preying on the erotic thoughts of potential buyers:
1. The big muscular slave for sale has been completely shaved, and then oiled with slave oil so that its skin glistens under the lights. This not only shows off the hard muscles, but suggests how good it is when these are covered in a fine sheen of sweat… after working, or after sex?
2. Instead of a regular salesman to display the slave, a second slave is used - also shaved and oiled. Now there’s a real suggestion of sex - the display slave has to handle the sale slave, move its limbs, show it off to the best advantage: buyers can imagine themselves holding and fondling the flesh too. And the display slave is smaller and younger than the sale slave, suggesting that a big powerful slave can be easily controlled by a weaker individual - a position that most owners will of course be in with a big muscle hunk like this.
3. Finally, of course, having both slaves naked is so much more suggestive of sex than a naked slave and a clothed salesman. And with two slaves, if the customer wants to see actual sex, there’s no problem.
courtesy of Pete Brown
The Painted Honky Festival is a very popular annual event where slave owners have the opportunity to show off their slave properties.  The slaves are painted in whimsical and artistic ways and paraded through the streets of the city. During the parade, spectators vote for their favorites.  The winning painted honky will win a large cash prize for it’s owner.  At the end of the day the highest rated painted slaves are put on display for all to see.  And the winning slave is sold to the highest bidder.
Simple punishments for slaves, like kneeling on frozen peas or stones can be far more effective than more elaborate methods.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Micah, shown here, is one of our most popular slaves here at the Johnson Brothers Premium Slave Brothel.
When slavery was first reinstituted, cunting was reserved for only the vilest of criminals.  Especially rapists and murders.  Nowadays, though, cunting has become a very popular fashion among rich young slave owners.
A premium slave knows how to do what it takes to please the man who owns him.
The slave thinks he’s being very clever in evading the hunters on today’s slave hunt - but, as we can see, he’s been spotted!  He looks like a relatively new slave, and therefore possibly he might even be a virgin - a real treat for the hunters at their celebration dinner this evening to mark their prowess in the hunt.
courtesy of Pete Brown
House Honky
Darron knows how to get what he wants out of a honky slave
It’s natural that strong, fit men who are kept naked and live together in close proximity should indulge their sexual powers, and scenes like this are very common in the slave sheds of most large farms and plantations.
Owners have differing views about this.  Many owners believe that slaves should have no sex at all, and not even be allowed to masturbate. Their view is that all the slaves’ energies should be channeled into working for their owners.  Whilst this is possibly true, the effort required to control the salves and “police” the policy is considerable. And there can be further issues when slaves have to be punished for breaking the rules - especially as there will be serial offenders where the punishments have to be ramped up to maintain discipline and damage then occurs to the slaves.
Other owners adopt a “laissez faire” attitude, as does the owner of these two. They believe that allowing slaves to vent their sexual frustration makes for a generally quieter and more docile slave herd, with lowered policing and supervision costs.  There are some problems of course - there can be anal damage to new, young slaves, and occasional fights between two powerful studs who both wish to use the same slave.  But generally things work out and a “pecking order” is established amongst the slaves.  Indeed, those near the top of the hierarchy often assist by maintaining crude but effective discipline amongst the others.  These owners also believe that allowing slaves sex is good, healthy exercise for them, assisting in keeping their bodies in peak condition - and looking at this clip, we can only agree! 
courtesy of Pete Brown
As pool hall slaves, Rick and Paul know that they need to keep the customers happy and buying drinks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Painted Honky Festival is a very popular annual event where slave owners have the opportunity to show off their slave properties.  The slaves are painted in whimsical and artistic ways and paraded through the streets of the city. During the parade, spectators vote for their favorites.  The winning painted honky will win a large cash prize for it’s owner.  At the end of the day the highest rated painted slaves are put on display for all to see.  And the winning slave is sold to the highest bidder.
These days, slaves work naked in just about any job.  Depending on the job, they are given minimal safety gear.  Owners save money this way as they don’t have to pay to clothe the slave and, of course, there are no laundry bills.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Despite how it might look, mine owners do not want their slaves worked to death, hence the hard hat.  As with all other slave types, it is simply easier to hose a slave off occasionally than to wash clothes.

courtesy of
It is rare that a slave should have clothes on, but when they do, whip access to the butt and back is essential.
Whenever I buy a new slave that I intend to use as a pony, I always start his training by making him run on the paved road that runs through my property.  This serves two purposes, it increases the slave’s endurance and lung capacity, but it also toughens up the soles of his feet in preparation for running on city streets.
When I saw this slave at the auction, I knew I had to have him. According to the auctioneer, when he was first enslaved, the boy was belligerent and mouthy. So they had him nullified. Apparently, this served to calm him down.
This young slave was included in the purchase price of my new boat.  It has been fully trained in the boats operation and maintenance